Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta KIRKOS A Dialogue Between Marcel Duchamp and Josqin des Prés (2004) audio cd



In June 17, at the Chiesa di San Marcellino in Naples, Italy, the composer Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta created an unexpected concert-installation. Titled Kirkos - a dialogue between Marcel Duchamp and Josqin des Prés, the work recovers, through the use of computers, some fragments of Duchamp's voice in real time, collected from a recording dated from the 40s, as well as it recreates, also in real time, the famous Missa Pange Lingua, that was the last piece by Josqin des Prés, composed in the 16th century. This complex and fascinating installation included more than two hundred images created by Pimenta, which will be shown through four different screens. «It is about a reflection on our own life and it is also about our world, the complex and amazing civilization that breaks, in the passage of the third millennium, all barriers between East and West, incorporating all cultural elements as if we would be, now, participating in the birth of a new civilisation» - said the composer. The word kirkos, that gives the central name to the piece, comes from the Greek and means circle, and it explains, in many senses this important work by Pimenta, that will remain to the history of contemporary art as a landmark.

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