

T...R...A...N...C...O...S...O... |... P...O...R...T...U...G...A...L... | ...A...P...R...I...L... |... 26... to... 28... | ...2007





ASA Art and Technology



Between April 26 and 28, 2007, the 12th century medieval village Trancoso, in Northern Portugal, will promote, together with the Arts, Sciences and Technology Foundation - Observatory and the International Symmetry Association, from Budapest, the International Symmetry Meeting OREZ 1. It is an event with free admission that will have the presence of important scientists, mathematicians, artists and philosophers who will discuss questions related to symmetry and the world we live. The lectures will be transmitted in real time through Internet. Among the lecturers, the Meeting will have the presence of Cheryl Akner-Koler and Arijana Kajfes, from Sweden, on art and chemistry; Rachel Riemer, from the United States, researcher at the Harvard University - she was associated to Arhur Loeb who created, with Buckminster Fuller, the celebrated book Synergetics; the art historian Julia Wasserchuk, from Moscow; the art historian Donald McColl, from the United States; the Brazilian composer Eduardo Reck Miranda; the crystallographer and philosopher of science Gyorgy Darvas, from Hungary; the architect and composer Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta, from Brazil and Portugal; the neurologist and cognitive researcher Alessandro Villa, from Switzerland; and the mathematician and philosopher Nuno Crato, from Portugal and the United States. It will also happen the projection of the film A White Balad, by the Italian cinematographer Stefano Odoardi, and a concert of the famous Italian violinist Maurizio Barbetti. Maurizio Barbetti was responsible for viola solos in movies by Oliver Stone and is a partner of the composer Ennio Morricone. There is no need of inscriptions to participate in the audience. The events will have place at the theatre and in the Romanesque church of the city.

More information at http://www.asa-art.com/orez1/1.html. Or directly by phone with Emanuel Pimenta - +351 919802813.

d i r e c t i o n : G y o r g y D a r v a s a n d E m a n u e l D i m a s d e M e l o P i m e n t a

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