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ASA Art and Technology


Luciana Freire is na architect by the Mackenzie University of São Paulo, Brazil, and by the Technical University of Lisbon. She is urban planner by the Mackenzie University of São Paulo and historian by the University of São Paulo USP. She took part in the Master on Art History by the Nova University of Lisbon. Among the specialisation courses there are Solar Architecture, in São Paulo, and urban planning under the guidance of Peter Cook, Kenzo Tange, Oscar Niemeyer and Yona Friedman among others. In the last twenty years she has worked on architecture and contemporary art in various countries.

d i r e c t i o n : G y o r g y D a r v a s a n d E m a n u e l D i m a s d e M e l o P i m e n t a

this site was created and is mantained by ASA Art and Technology, London