a floating island for lisbon
emanuel dimas de melo pimenta
the great estuary

lisbon | 2005
galeria de arte contemporânea quadrum
november | 30 | 2005 | 18:30
Amores - a floating island for Lisbon
Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta

It was a sunny day in Lisbon when António Cerveira Pinto and I had a lunch in a restaurant not far from the Quadrum Gallery.
He told me about his great project on a petroleum free city, for the Olympic Games in Lisbon, in 2020.
I dived in his words, ideas and dreams with the same light of his projects - of his transdisciplinary, transcultural and transmedia masterwork.
A true social sculpture, as Joseph Beuys would have said.
Everything present at the wonderful estuary of Tejo.
The brightness of his eyes quickly unveiled me the magic of his amazing project.
He invited me to elaborate a project of architecture, integrated in his great work of many thoughts, many sounds, many images and people and worlds.
I immediately accepted.
I had concluded another project - a nucleus of creativity, a mutant and deprogrammable floating platform at the Maggiore Lake, in the frontier of Switzerland and Italy, near Locarno, where I've lived in the last years.
An art and culture centre, a floating platform, mobile, permanent metamorphosis, to be launched by Roy Ascott at the ArtEtics, in England.
This project, in the Alps, operates new intelligent materials, created with the use of nanotechnology.
António was wondered with it, as I was wondered by his great masterwork.
This happened in the beginning of 2005.
It was great to have meet again António - a moment that made us to recall our first meeting at the CyberFestival in Lisbon, in 1996.
Since then, we met each other here and there - in 2001 when he brought to Portugal, for the first time, a great American conceptual artist, old friend mine, William Anastasi.
Multiple and coherent sensitivities, both free from the arrogance of the small and, always, incompetent mafias, free from the closed groups, dominions of putrid powers.
Our meeting that unchained my project as a contribution to the Great Estuary was born from the friendship, from the mutual admiration, from the freedom, from what Confucius designed as the excellence of all relations - human or not - the reciprocity.
The second meeting, in the context of this project, was another lunch - as it should be. At the table, with the wine, the flavours and words, together the marvellous Tejo's landscape.
It was another magical sunny day - as it is almost always in Lisbon.
I described him my project - a floating building, that can grow or diminish, that can move from and to any point, a building of irregular surface, using the movement of the waters and the air to generate energy, making with the use of the fluctuations and differences of temperature another important energetic element, using daylight and heat as energy, constituting an organism where everything can happen.
A deprogrammable human space, where it is possible to exist theatres, restaurants, audiences, hotels, bookstores, stadiums, commercial nuclei and expositions among so many other possibilities - a total space.
A program always recreated and transformed.
Building covered by big fabric - like a kind of sailcloth - that are accumulators of energy through the force of the winds.
Construction for a world free of petroleum.
And, however it clearly is about a project that implies the notion of total possibility of transformations, a continuous metamorphosis, it is in itself the materialization of the idea of freedom - idea we receive from the old Greeks, according to which each person must establish his own limits, his own borders.
Thus, it is mutant.
A project without implications in terms of environmental impact.
Any presence, human or not, means environmental impact.
Environment while humanity.
A project open to architects, urban planners, artists, economists, biologists and many others, in a continuous elaboration.
A nonzero sum game.
Born from a nucleus, a navigable cell - with the aggregation and the desegregation of a great number of other cells.
Everything forming a structure that modifies itself according to a permanent creativity in a transdisciplinary approach.
Building whose irregular form improves the accumulation of energy generated by the movement of waters and winds. Faces that also are accumulators of solar energy.
Great flexible fabrics working as powerful accumulators of Aeolian energy.
Module as octahedron - floating cell that can freely be overlapped with other cells, making possible the generation of floors, walls and equipment in an independent and changeable way.
Building structure that no longer is, obligatorily, cover, closing, wall or anything similar - but yes, a kind of central nervous system, bringing, through its edges, energy and all type of media and communication systems, becoming something like an alive organism.
Floating building that moves between various places of the estuary, livening up the most distant regions - but that can also be disaggregated in parts, floating sectors spread to other points, or simply modules that can join or separate from the structure.
A kind of organism internally working the differences of temperature between the cold and the heat, above and below - producing internal energy exchanges, in an endothermic balance.
A project that brings in its essential traces the continuous participation of the human being, even at the level of its own elaboration, of its own form, that never is the same.
Everything is change there.
Change only can happen with involvement, with the participation of people.
This is the meaning of love - amores - participation, sharing a same project, a same complex.
Idea on other ideas.
More than idea of space or meta-space - hyperspace.
The magical Camões' Island of Amores.

this site was created and it is maintained by ASA Art and Technology UK Limited, London, 2005