Orbital Olympic Village

When a person takes pleasure in dedication and labor
And exerts the courage that the gods placed in him,
And that in him the destiny
Sows the glory to which he aspires.
Then he launches the anchor in the confines of happiness,
And the gods honor him.



UIRA Orbital Olympic Village is an architectural and urban design for the first Olympic Village in Earth orbit. It is a project oriented to research, discovery and creativity in a transdisciplinary, transnational and transcultural environment.

The word "uira" means "bird" in Tupi - which was the language spoken by the people who inhabited the Brazilian coast in the sixteenth century. Sagres (Portugal) was the NASA of that epoch.

UIRA Orbital Olympic Village was originally designed by architect and urban planner Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta in 2011.

UIRA is a worldwide scale collaborative work, under supervision of Emanuel Pimenta - an orbital station for about twenty thousand people, working in two systems: G1 (gravity on Earth) and microgravity. At six hundred kilometers of altitude, with its orbital trajectory, the satellite-city passes on virtually every city of the world every twenty-one hours. So at every twenty-one hours, UIRA will be on Paris, New York, Brasilia, London, Lisbon, Tokyo, London, Canberra, Beijing, Bern, Rome or Ottawa.
Architects, urban planners, engineers, researchers from various disciplines - from neurology to the physics of materials, from engineering to law, from economics to chemistry - and also undergraduate students, independent researchers, artists, companies from the most different sectors, all are invited to imagine and to elaborate solutions and inventions to this collective dream.

It is a nonprofit educational project, uniting minds from around the world - a kind of new Manhattan Project, now non-military, civil and exclusively with peaceful purposes - revealing something of the original spirit of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece when knowledge and sports were associated, where the Olympic ideal transcended the physical dispute, reaching art and science.

This collaborative effort will trigger planetary discoveries not only important for the space project, but also unveiling surprising solutions to problems on Earth.



ASA Art and Technology
Streaming Museum
Walden Zero Project

Manifesto MODA
Space Art Association




Emanuel Pimenta

website VOO UIRA 2011

website VOO UIRA 2014


book (Portuguese) on paper

book (English) on paper

book (Portuguese) pdf - free

book (English) pdf - free

basic design dwg (in FaceBook)

basic design 3DS (in FaceBook)

basic design MAX (in FaceBook)

basic design VRML (in FaceBook)

basic master plan dwg (in FaceBook)

some images






photo: NASA