S    O    M    A
emanuel dimas de melo pimenta
concert . movie

Amici della Spirale
Moscufo, Abruzzo, Italy
October 6, 7, 8 2023
direction Marco Rapattoni

cellebrating all the women of the world

to Patrícia de Herédia


Women are wonderful beings. Love, affection, care, intelligence linked to existence, to life, sensitivity, intuition, glamour, delicacy, everything about women is enchantment.
The muses were all women. From them comes music, poetry and dreams. They are the guardians of the fabulous Library of Alexandria, from where the word museum was also born.
The words muse and woman in romanesque languages (mulher in Portuguese, for example), share the same etymological origin in the Indo-European *ma, which indicated the ideas of "thought", "measure", "matter" and also "creative energy", as is the case with motherhood, for example.
In turn, the deepest Indo-European root of *ma indicates the idea of limit and, with it, the perception of things. There is no life without a membrane, just as there is no perception of reality without a limit.
These are very ancient origins. Indo-European is a language group that became extinct around twenty thousand years ago, in prehistoric times, and which gave rise to Sanskrit, Greek and Latin.
When I read about violence against women in the newspapers, I confess that I find it hard to recognize myself as human.
In 2019, Marianela Mirpuri, a dear friend of many years, told me about her project for a city for women. It's called the
HERA Project. In fact, the city is the idea of civilization, of civis, and the project aims to operate on the feminine dimension, which is wonderful and which constitutes us all, even men like me.
We are this mysterious and delicious cosmic palette of sensibilities and intelligence.
Marianela Mirpuri invited me to create an
Observatory for the Future of Humanity as part of the HERA Project, sponsored by the city of Cascais in Portugal, through its headquarters in an emblematic building. And so it was done.
We have held various events, concerts, meetings and books as part of the Observatory's activities. The
AIW online television channel is one example - which in September 2023 had over a thousand pieces of content representing around two months of viewing in eight hours a day, free of charge, with films, documentaries, concerts by John Cage, Joseph Beuys, Alison Knowles, Debussy, Aldous Huxley, Zaha Hadid, Le Corbusier, Maria Bonomi, Frank Lloyd Wright, Cindy Sherman, Ornette Coleman, Laurie Anderson, Norman McLaren, Marshall McLuhan, Richard Buckminster Fuller, ORLAN, Richard Feynman, Nadia Boulanger, Albert Einstein, Irène Schweizer, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Marie Curie, Nam June Paik and Bertrand Russell, among many others.
In 2023, I received a phone call from a dear friend, the remarkable Portuguese artist Patrícia de Herédia, whom I had met years before through a mutual friend, the architect and genius artist João de Almeida, who was a friend of Jean Arp and Ferdinand Gehr. Ever since I met her, I had always admired Patrícia's work. So we talked and she said she would be delighted to do some work together. I immediately said yes. We got together and talked for a long time. Patrícia's work revolves around the body, but not about the narcissus, and instead about the consciousness of being.
I immediately decided to make a work dedicated to her. I recorded her voice speaking three poems: by an anonymous person; by John Done, who lived between 1571 and 1631; and by Fernando Pessoa, who lived between 1888 and 1935. That was the beginning of my work
SOMA - which in Greek means body.
The voice always brings us strong information about the body. We often don't pay attention, but every voice is music. I recorded Patrícia's vocal cords and worked on them in the laboratory.
When we hear
SOMA, we immediately know that it's Patrícia - without being her, it's her dematerialized body!
In parallel, but independently, I also made the film
SOMA, going through more than two thousand years of images of women.
At the same time, I spoke to my dear friend, the great Italian pianist Marco Rapattoni - who, I've always said, has a mysterious spiritual connection with the great Alfred Cortot.
Rapattoni goes beyond and dives into the deepest questions of Humanity. So he set up an association called
Friends of the Spiral in Moscufo, a town near Pescara in Abruzzo, Italy. The town's headquarters is the Orsini palace, whose history and family run through many centuries in Italy. The 2023 meeting is called Art in Contemporary Life: Communication, Emotion and the Body! Exactly what SOMA is!

Like all my work, SOMA requires time for reflection and meditation.
So we decided to have the world premiere of
SOMA - music and film - at the international meeting of what I would call the Spiral of Friends, in Moscufo, at the meetings that Marco Rapattoni has created and directed, bringing together composers and thinkers.
Sappho, one of the greatest poets of all time, who lived between around 630 and around 570 BC, was writing one of her delicious and precious poems:

May I write words
more naked than flesh,
stronger than bone,
more resilient than sinew,
more sensitive than nerves.


Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta Locarno 2023



emanuel pimenta




book in pdf (academia.edu)


























































